Teens & Children

Graphic & Painting workshop

Permanent art sessions for children organised by the Primanima Festival's team every Friday

  • Drawing and painting techniques 
  • Collage, monotype 
  • Wood engraving, linocut, screen printing
  • Illustration and set design
  • Creative object making with recycling
  • Digital techniques: making a tablet image
  • Art teachers
  • Skills development
  • Independent thinking

The 90-minute graphic and painting workshop for children and teens offers a wide variety of techniques to try out and learn. In the graphics room, you can also create illustrations, reproduced graphics, painted pictures and scenery.

The path leads through traditional, handcrafted processes to digital imaging and mixed media methods. Here, there is a space and a purpose for everything: from manual, hands-on exercises to creative use of the digital slate and graphics software. We strive to expose children to as many creative visual arts practices as possible, keeping the joy of playful exploration at the forefront. We also encourage sustainable thinking by using recycled materials to create objects and images.

Children can experiment with a number of drawing techniques, but group creativity is also on the palette. The sessions will also provide time and space for them to reflect on their own creative adventures and to discuss the visual culture around them with each other and with our tutors. 

The workshop is running all year round and is open continuously on Fridays.

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+36 20 299 32 39


Every Friday, between 17.00 – 18.30


BABtér, 2040 Budaörs, Templom tér 12.

Mennyibe kerül?

6000 Ft/one occasion; 5000 Ft/occasion with Monthly Lease (the Lease is issued at the beginning of the month, according to the number of sessions in the month); 4000 Ft/occasion with First Half-year Lease (18 sessions from September to January, 2024, in total 72.000 Ft).

Kivel fogsz találkozni?

animációs rendező, grafikus, fesztivál- és BABtér igazgató
designer, animátor, animációs oktató
grafikus, illusztrátor

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